sunnuntai 8. joulukuuta 2013


~I'm just gonna start this blog right away without further introduction, but you will learn more of me as we go, Also I'm going to do something about the layout when I have time for it~

So, today I finally saw Frozen, the new animation movie by Disney. 
I've been waiting for this movie for a long time (since the first concept arts were shown to ppl) and that is why I also saw it as a good movie to start my blog with!

So, this post is based on my first impression of the movie! If There's going to be spoilers I will warn you guys so do not worry about that!

I really liked how the movie moved, how it started and continued from there - it was really easy to follow and answered to the right questions - also it introduced us to the most important characters right away.
I like when a movie starts off with an easy opening, you get to the world right on that spot and don't have to wonder about it too long to see that you have dropped from the sleigh ;)

I had spoiled the plot for myself already so I actually knew what was going to happen, but that actually didn't make the first impression any lesser! Also I liked how the movie didn't stop at anytime, the songs were great and supported the plot in the right way, not taking too much room from the movie itself.. Though at first I was wondering how they used most of the songs in the first hour but as most of the action happens on the last 30 minutes it was actually better that there wasn't any songs.. (Well, I can't remember what the time was when the trolls sung Fixer Upper but anyways!)

About our two princesses..

I thought that I wouldn't like Anna but I was so wrong!
I warmed to her - she was like a little kid - must have been because how her sister shut her out while they were still kids.. Also the outer world outside their castle had been shut from her and that has affected Anna.. She didn't grow seeing strangers and that must have been why she so easily wanted to see the good in other people and trust them! Also the trust she had for her sister, Elsa, was so so innocent even though she was the one who shut her out from her life..

Elsa then, I loved her since the concept arts and she didn't leave me cold in this movie! The range of her emotion, the fear of her powers.. You could almost touch it in the air.. She loved her sister but had to shut her out to protect her, she wasn't even a bit self-centered, she always had others well-being more important to her - even when she ran away and wanted to stay out there alone she wasn't all that self-centered, because she still had the well-being of others in her mind.. Also I actually cried when she finally got reunited with her sister!

Also the real villain was well hidden 'till the end - and I'll keep it hidden from you!
Watch the movie, I'm sure it will surprise you if you haven't already red about it anywhere!

I adored the trolls - love Kristoff and Sven, they made a really good duo and was something that the movie needed.. Also Olaf gave the movie just the right amount of comedy - it wasn't too overwhelming! Also his story was touching.. Hans.. What can I say about our dreamy prince? He was gorgeous eye-candy that every princess movie needs!

Hans, Anna, Olaf, Elsa & Kristoff
Best/Favourite scene?
That was when Elsa (Idina Menzel) sung Let It Go and build her ice palace!
The scene looked out of place for me before I had seen the movie, but as a part of the movie it was really spectacular! And now afterwards it really looks good and the voice fits Elsa (It looked like bad lip syncing to me before), here you can see the scene:

That scene is so beautiful, no wonder it took 9 months to get that done..
And can we talk a little about how she changes her dress?
That scene is so beautiful there's not enough words to describe it!
How the transformation begins from her embroidments and continues up from there.. It's just stunning!

Should you see this movie? 
If it's not your cup of tea I still think that people should see it before judging it!
If you still don't like it after that then at least you gave it a chance!

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